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In 2019, my art was featured in the group exhibition „Tape Art by Tape That.“ In the exhibition we explored spatial art and created installations that dealt with light, perspective and transformation. Additionally, artworks from the collective were exhibited in various formats. From 2018 to 2020, I was part of Tape That myself.

My time with the collective had a great impact on me and my artistic development. I am very grateful for the journey that I shared with this group of artists and friends.

tapeart, tapeartist, klebeband kunst, kunst mit klebeband, Künstler, Berlin
tapeart, tapeartist, klebeband kunst, kunst mit klebeband, Künstler, Berlin
tapeart, tapeartist, klebeband kunst, kunst mit klebeband, Künstler, Berlin
tapeart, tapeartist, klebeband kunst, kunst mit klebeband, Künstler, Berlin
tapeart, tapeartist, klebeband kunst, kunst mit klebeband, Künstler, Berlin
tapeart, tapeartist, klebeband kunst, kunst mit klebeband, Künstler, Berlin



Tape Art meets light-sculpture. Light and shadow, stillstand and movement create new effects on transparent foils and fabric tape. Taping on a backlit surface opens up many possibilities to get creative. The overlapping of tapes and foils can mix new colours and create new tones. This installation creates a mystical, surreal atmosphere out of changing lights, shades and colours.

tapeart, tapeartist, klebeband kunst, kunst mit klebeband, Künstler, Berlin
tapeart, tapeartist, klebeband kunst, kunst mit klebeband, Künstler, Berlin



Foil and tape on wooden panel

70 x 30cm

Berlin, Germany 2018



Foil and tape on wooden panel

70 x 30cm

Berlin, Germany 2018

tapeart, tapeartist, klebeband kunst, kunst mit klebeband, Künstler, Berlin


Installation & sculpture

mt art project

Foil, tape on glass

Taipei, Taiwan 2019

Special thanks to:

Tape That

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