"The Four Musketeers" is a series commissioned by the law firm Baker McKenzie for their 60th anniversary in Germany.
The artwork consists of four parts representing the four locations of the company in Germany: Frankfurt, Berlin, Munich and Düsseldorf. The number 60 can only be seen when all four parts of the artwork are installed as a tableau.
"The Four Musketeers" has confronted me with some exciting challenges. It is the largest artwork on wooden panels which I have created so far. Conception and implementation has taken 12 days (about 150 hours). The artwork consists of four pieces, each with a dimension of 200 x 90 cm. Put together it measures 405 x 185 cm.
I enjoy immersing myself in my artworks and always facing new creative challenges. For "The Four Musketeers" I experimented with acrylic glass. What fascinates me about this medium is the possibility to create relief-like structures.
Artwork series
Baker McKenzie / Staedel Museum
Washi tape, foil and
acrylic glas on wooden panels
405 x 185cm (4x 200 x 90cm)
Berlin & Frankfurt, Germany 2022
Photos & Videos by: Gusztáv Hámos
Special thanks to:
Gusztáv Hámos